chris 1_

Today is the day, after months of collecting submissions and pouring through tons of entries, we finally have our winner!
We are happy to announce Chris Gibbany as the 2014 Ultimate Biker Makeover Winner.
Thank you to our awesome sponsors for hooking Chris up with all her amazing prizes. Please check out her story, and see why we chose Chris as the Winner of the 2014 Garage-Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover.
Chris’s Entry

“My brother and I were given the option of a candy bar a day or the equivalent in money, I ALWAYS took the money, he took the candy.  I took care of all of my clothes and toys and then resold them at yard sales to recoup some of my money.  I picked up aluminum cans and scrap metal while growing up to have more cash.  I never got my ears pierced as I knew it would make me buy “unnecessary things”.   I graduated high school with honors and my graduation gift was a $10 denim purse.  I went to college on full scholarships and I worked two jobs.

While everyone else was eating out everyday, I was the only person in college who brought lunch in a reusable sack.  I continued to learn that if I wanted things, it was possible but I had to have my priorities straight and be confident enough to take “ribbing” from other people due to my different choices and not “going along with the crowd”.

My first year in college I bought a super nice black 1978 Camaro, that I owned 15 years.  My second year I bought a 1978 Z-28 Camaro, a car I owned 22 years and just sold three weeks ago!  I went to buy a third Camaro while in college but instead fell in love with MOTORCYCLES!  I had these things while making minimum wage.  While married to my first husband, I was forced to sell my motorcycle to buy him an expensive birthday gift.  I  got another motorcycle and one day while still at work, he sold it.  Needless to say that after a few events like this, I filed for divorce, typed up my own papers and got divorced for only $50.  Another lesson in frugality!  He was also trying to force me to have kids and I instead went and got my tubes tied, also free of charge!

I decided that I was not going to live a life that didn’t suit me and my love of the machine.

I now am married to my soulmate, a man who doesn’t limit the amount of cars or motorcycles I can have. A man who lets me design and helps me build my dream bikes. The only thing lacking is MONEY! I give 110% of my life to my passions, which are obviously motorcycles and cars. With that being said, and probably because of the way I grew up, I live a VERY frugal life. We choose to live without television (one of the best decisions we have ever made), telephone, microwave, clothesdryer, dishwasher, etc. I go shopping for food once a month (just like my parents did) for what I don’t kill, catch or raise in the gardens. I only shop in thrift stores and I only own one pair of boots, which I got by trading JcPenney’s gift cards (that I got for free) for a gift card to a local boot store. With that being said, even though I ride all the time, I don’t even own a riding jacket or a pair of gloves! Just this year I broke down and bought a helmet, and because I am so cheap, it is already cracked!

I live my life to the fullest, always promoting women, motorcycles and related events. If I win, I will not only be a GREAT ambassador to Garage Girls and women in general, but for any prizes I cannot use, I would like to donate to a runner-up. But I really need a set of Avon tires!”