Just in time for online Christmas shopping, J&P Cycles, was recently featured in a Business Insider report which listed the top 25 retailers with the best customer service. It’s an illustrious group of retailers too, with the likes of Apple, Nordstrom, Zappos, LL Bean included as well. J&P has been dedicated to optimizing the customer experience since its fledgling days in the late ‘70s. Founded by John and Jill Parham, J&P Cycles provides motorcycle parts and accessories through its mail-order catalog, online retail site and at its Destination Daytona Super Store in Ormand Beach, Florida.
The Business Insider report cites a Stella Service survey which sought to determine which companies provided the best customer service from August through October 2015. Telephone and email service, shipping and return policies were all evaluated in the survey. In the overall ranking, J&P finished 24th of 25, was 10th of all companies surveyed in the chat-based response service area, 14th overall in shipping and 18th in returns. We would have to say that is pretty darn good. Way to go J&P Cycles!