6 year old Domestic Longhair Hi! My name is Punky. I’m a friendly and loving girl who loves adults and children alike. My desire in life is very simple: I want to find the perfect forever home with a family who can shower me with love and affection! 

I used to live...


5 year old beagle Kane is a gentle affectionate dog who gets along well with both men and women. One look into Kane’s eyes and you can see how eagerly he wants to share his love. 

Kane’s favorite volunteers describe him as calm and easy to handle. Kane...


14 year old Border Collie mix Mabel, a very sweet Border Collie mix, was brought to Animal Friends after she was found wandering the streets alone and homeless. 
Even though she has had some tough times, Mabel is very friendly and enjoys being around people. She likes...


3 year old tortie point and cream Siamese I used to have a home, but one day, my owner moved and left me behind! The staff here at Animal Friends told me not to worry; these things happen sometimes and that a new owner will come find me.

I am a bit unsure of myself...