This time around we feature one heck of a speedy Garage-Girl, growing up in the garage led her to fall right into her fathers footsteps, smashing the gas pedal to the floor at the drag strip!  Kara is really living the garage lifestyle and she took a few minutes to share her life with us!
GG. Tell us about you, where are you from, what are you into and what do you like to do with your free time?
KB. From a small town called Mamont, near Murrysville PA.  I am into anything automotive related. I have a love for Mopars and my passion is drag racing. What free time? Between my normal job of 50+ hours a week, night classes for continuing education, managing my father’s custom engine building shop, corresponding for Mopar Collectors Guide TV series called Mopr TV, and maintaining all the racing stuff somehow I manage to hang with friends, tinker in the garage, target shoot and do some fishing! haha.
GG. How did you find your passion for your Drag Racing? How long have you been doing it?
KB. I guess you can say I was “born” into racing.  My father and both Uncles all are drag racers. I grew up at the track.  My father calls my brother and I “Track Brats”.  We spent 75% of our time at the track.  I had Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, not Barbie Dolls as a kid.  As soon as I received my license I have been racing, unbeknownst to my father at the time, I took my 89 Chrysler New Yorker to the track and raced in the Highschool and Trophy classes.  Then when I won, I had to break the news.  He then accepted the fact that this wasn’t just a phase, I lived for it.
GG. What do you love most about racing?
KB. What isn’t there to love? Honestly, the burnout! It’s the start of unleashing raw horsepower, then you approach the line, you look at your opponent, then the race is on!
GG. Do you have a sweet car or a motorcycle besides the one you race?
KB. I do not own a motorcycle yet…I would like Santa to bring me a Harley Sportster Nightrider! I have a 1964 Plymouth Sport Fury that is still undergoing construction.  It will more than likely be a Max Wedge NSS racer but I am considering a HEMI.
GG. What are you most passionate about in life?
KB. Wow, lots of things.  I try to be a very positive person, many times things will not go the right way but you must keep pushing forward and look ahead. I will go to my favorite quotes for this one, I read these daily! “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”; “Life isn’t about how you survived the storm, it’s about how you danced in the rain”; “Be kind to others. Everyone you know is fighting their own battle.”
GG. Is there anything you would love to learn to do?
KB. Speak another language
GG. Where would you most like to visit?
KB. New England Coast or a major National Park
GG. What is your idea of relaxing?
KB. A car show, park the shined up car, grab your beverage of choice and bench race all day long while getting a tan!
GG. What type of music do you normally listen to?
KB. Everything, I listen to it all, more country and rock than anything.  I love 80’s music and even Motown. haha
GG. Do you collect anything?
KB. I love to collect vintage automotive magazines, decals and signs.
Thanks Kara for taking the time to share a little of your super awesome Garage Lifestyle with us, be sure to drop us a line and keep us up-to-date with your racing!